8 TED Talks that are as good as getting an MBA

By fmba January 3, 2019 14:05

8 TED Talks that are as good as getting an MBA

To earn a Masters degree in Business Administration, you have to take many classes with highly esteemed professors who lecture you on problem solving, management skills, hard work, and more. But thanks to the internet, you can watch highly esteemed professionals lecturing you on those same topics for much, much less money. Sure, it’s not a real MBA, but it’s a good place to start.

Lean back, open up your laptop, and put on your listening ears: we’ve outline the eight best TED Talks to improve your business skills. But if you’re seriously considering getting your MBA, you should probably also do that, too.

1. Grit: Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth

Duckworth coined the term “grit”€ which constitutes a dedication to hard work and a commitment to achieving success with passion and perseverance a quality she believes to be more important than IQ when determining one’s future success.


2. How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

An expert on leadership, Sinek discusses the “Golden Circle” and its importance in the approach of great leaders of the past. Sinek discusses Martin Luther King, Jr. (as well as others) and describes what makes one a good leader: it’s not how you do what you do, but why you choose to do it.


3. Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are by Amy Cuddy

Social psychologist Amy Cuddy discusses “power posing”€ or standing in a way that exudes confidence through one’s body language. She describes how power posing can make you feel confident even when you were not feeling confident to begin with and how it can increase your chances of professional success.


4. Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders by Sheryl Sandberg

Sandberg, the COO of Facebook, discusses gender inequality at the executive level and offers advice on how women can achieve equality in the workplace. Sandberg tells women to treat themselves fairly, to be real partners to their husbands or wives, and to continue to persevere rather than quit….


Read full story: Ladders
By fmba January 3, 2019 14:05
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