What now for MBAs?

By fmba February 10, 2009 01:00

Even in a down economy, MBAs can still navigate a great career path ” if they know where to look

In the wake of the economic crisis, applications to business schools are on the rise, as college grads and business professionals seek shelter from an ugly job market. Some are re-tooling for the rebound; others are plotting alternative career tracks, now that Wall Street ” which typically absorbs 30 percent of new MBAs ” has retrenched, and as top companies in almost every industry are slashing headcount and budgets.

Where, then, are the best opportunities for aspiring business leaders? BNET talked to b-school professors, recruiters, and companies and identified four career tracks where demand for management talent is likely to remain strong through the recession and beyond.

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By fmba February 10, 2009 01:00
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